Devlog 3

Welcome to our third devlog from EJG Corp

This is our third development devlog, where we focus on the main character’s mechanics, bug fixing, and the game’s level environment.

Since the last Devlog

Since the last devlog, we have been focusing on the following tasks:

  • Character animations
  • Innovative mechanics
  • Tile Map (and its collisions)
  • Environment (background)

Additionally, we have been working hard on deciding which new cats to implement, how they will look, and what their abilities will be.

What are we working on now?

We are currently working on creating the new cats with their respective appearances

Animations Principal Cat

Spritesheet Cat 1

Spritesheet Cat 2

Spritesheet Cat 3

Spritesheet Cat 4


Cat Dead

Thank you for supporting us in our game development adventure! 


7 LivesV2.exe 65 MB
May 20, 2024

Get 7 Lives

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